Saturday, 8 November 2014

How to do a Body Wrap - SPA

A full body wrap is a session at the spa which is nowadays getting incredibly popular. However, do you know how expensive it is? We know that to get a full body wrap done, you would have to spend a lot of money. But if you do it at home, it will cost you much less. Also, it is very relaxing and refreshing.

To do a full body wrap, you would need someone to help you, ideally, who would apply the wrap on you. You would need some oil cloth or something easy to wash for you to lie down on. You would also need a full-body cleanser as well as a body wrap pack. There are a number of popular packs out there. Choose one you want to.

At first, you will need to cleanse your skin. To do this, you can either wash your body with a good-quality soap, and then clean it thoroughly before applying the pack, or, you can use a good cleansing agent and wipe your body clean. You can use any pack you want, but make sure it suits your skin.

Once your cleansing is done, it is time for the wrap to be applied. It is advised to be in a room which smells good. You can burn incense or scented candle, or use essential oils in vaporizer to achieve that. Then, settle yourself in a comfortable position on the oilcloth or something similar.

Either apply the pack yourself, or ask another person to apply it for you. Once the application is done, rest comfortably till the pack is absorbed, or it dries up. It will take about 30 minutes to 1 hour, so rest during that time. Then, wash your body, and feel your skin look much better almost immediately after the process.

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